Stephanie Kase Photography is a wedding photographer and educator based in Columbus, Ohio.









Be sure to go ahead and bookmark this page now, because it's going to be your BEST friend as you plan and prepare for your big day!



cheers to you + your soulmate

Oh hello fiancé!!! I am SO excited you're here! Consider this our first toast to you and your soulmate! We're thrilled we get to celebrate alongside you!

This lil (big) guide is going to be your bff during the roller coaster that fiancé-hood. It's mostly from the photo-side of planning your wedding day, but since you're here I'm going to assume that's GREAT photos are a priority for ya! I'm here to pour into you and to help ease the stress of planning. As always, feel free to reach out at any time if you have any questions along the way!

We're high school sweethearts

As of May 16 this year we'll have been together TEN YEARS. If that doesn't just hit you like a wave, right?? Needless to say we're a pretty good duo. 
AJ is the lime to my tequila - the serious to our fun! During your sunset just married portraits, I'm running away with all these crazy beautiful ideas, AJ is keeping an eye on the time. That's just about the best way to sum it up!

and separately we love...

(p.s. you have to tell me if you're into any of these things too...!) 
AJ is a WAY into has had 13 cars since we've been together into them. On a day off, you can catch him cruising in his 2004 Miata along 360 with the top down (currently...check back next month may be a new car) 
I am a plant FIEND...I don't want to tell you how many houseplants I currently have. I'm just now getting into outdoor gardening which feels like a whole different ball game!

Get to know Holly & AJ

Before we jump right in, here are 3 fun things you ought to know about us:

and together you can find us...

We're both native Austinites (we met at McCallum!) and loooove to go out when we have free weekends. Currently our favorite spots are around East 6th like Liberty and Violet Crown (will always be my fav). And then on a lovely Sunday afternoon we'll hit up a brewery or low key spot with my family like Cosmic or Vista! 
(Side note: we are officially totally vaccinated so it's extra fun talking about all this stuff again!!!) 

(aka Hay Jay)


I believe so strongly in a love so true and authentic in nature: we find it in our soulmates and we find it deep within ourselves. And once you find that truth in all its magic, you also find that warm, genuine feeling of home. 

It’s comfy, lived in, peaceful, unique, safe, truthful. 

I want to inspire and celebrate that feeling that you have in your own heart, that you have with each other, and that I’m learning to find in myself. 

The space that you are your most truest self, your safest place, your happy place. It’s where you belong. 

Your engagement session

the hmp engagement session guide

I have waaaaayy too much helpful info on your engagement session to stick it here ...! Click below to see the HMP Engagement Session Guide! You'll find info on outfits, locations, how to prepare, etc.

Please see this as a sign from the universe that you ABSOLUTELY SHOULD HIRE A PLANNER!!! Even if you can do all the planning and just need someone month of or day of, please trust me that it is so worth it. Whether you hire a planner or not, all the tasks that one handles on your wedding day will need to be done. If you don't have a planner doing it, your mom, MOH and bridesmaids, or your beloved photographer will have to take it on. And ALL of us have other jobs we need to be doing!! There are typically many different types of services planners offer, so here are a few to consider for different aspects of planning:

If nothing else, this is the BEST thing you can do for your wedding in this area!! It is so crucial to have a go-to person the day of that can take care of the logistics and answer questions. They are there to run the day and make sure everything goes smoothly. Once that one month mark hits, they will take over and conquer the last minute planning details for you. I recommend a Month-Of planner because they'll keep in touch with your vendor team and make sure we're all on the same page pre-wedding day which is so so necessary! 

If you want wedding planning to be as stress-free as possible, this is the route to go! I know weddings in and out, but still hired a full service top to bottom wedding planner - that's how valuable they are! They'll be there from your engagement all the way past your wedding day. They are there to take care of all the planning for you, so you can relax and enjoy being engaged. They work alongside you to create the perfect vision for your wedding day, help you choose vendors, create your timeline, work out the logistics, and everything else that goes into planning. They basically become your best friend during the process, because just about everything is off your plate and keep you on track!


Some full service planners offer the option of helping you with "vendor match-making." They will sit down with you and ask you what you're looking for in your different vendors, and offer the best suggestions within your budget. From what I've heard, the amount of money you save doing this by knowing where to invest more (AND finding vendors that are the perfect fit) saves you more than what you pay! Plus, you'll have a dream team that will be amazing for your wedding!

Many planners also offer day-of styling services in addition to planning. This means they will be in charge of setting up your spaces and the design. They'll add a beautiful, creative touch and since they've worked alongside you up to your wedding day, they can carry out your vision perfectly. This also means mom won't be running around trying to set everything up! They have you covered!

wedding planners

I have been a part of many wedding days, both with and without a hired coordinator. All of the nightmare situations (think we are so behind schedule, groomsmen not knowing how to walk down the aisle, moments being missed) have happened when without a coordinator. I cannot stress enough that this is the very best thing you can do to have the best day ever.

Side note: Sometimes your venue will provide a day-of or venue coordinator, but make sure they will be there the whole day and are there to actively help! 99% of the time they're there just to oversee things and take care of the venue, not help out.

Starting wtih

the details

At the very beginning of the day while you're still in hair and make up, I'll start styling and photographing all your little details! And let me tell you why they are important: You have spent so much time and put in so much special care to these elements that really cultivate the feeling, the energy, the vibe of your wedding day. All the little details contribute to this, and they deserve their moment!!

the details

If your final wedding gallery is like a book, the details are the acknowledgments.

Yeah, you get to take home your invitation suite at the end of the day, but what about the more sentimental pieces? What about your something borrowed? These may not go back home with you, but they played an important role on your wedding day, and should not be forgotten. The Wedding Detail Checklist is a master list of everything to bring and how to organize it!

download your wedding detail checklist

getting ready

All those details I just mentioned? More often than not brides are stuck in their chair getting their hair done when we arrive. So having everything in one spot and a bridesmaid delegated to handing it off is the best plan of action! Don't forget to download the checklist above to gather every single thing I'll need!

If possible, have your florist deliver your bouquet (+ styling florals) BEFORE I am scheduled to arrive. This ensures they will be included with all of the other pretty details!

If you're trying to decide where to get ready, this is HUGE! I always opt for spaces with lots of windows. When it's time to get into your dress, I will likely direct you to a clean area that has lots of window light coming in!

Top priority is making this process easy and comfortable! Depending on what you prefer, I'll stay in the room or be right outside. But I won't start shooting til you're all the way in and basically dressed!

Are there certain women in your life who would appreciate seeing you get into your gown? Some brides want very few people around for this moment. Other brides love having aunts and grandmas present! It’s totally up to you! Just make sure those people know ahead of time that they'll be helping you, and will need to be fully dressed before you!

Will you and your groom be exchanging gifts during this time? If so, who would you like to deliver them?  A few other things to consider: as you get ready to put your dress on, refrain from putting any jewelry on. I love shooting all of those final steps once you’re in your gown! 

It’s the morning of your wedding! Everything has been taken care of and you’re relaxing with your best friends while your hair gets done. If certain items haven’t been checked off of the to-do list, it’s time to hand them over to someone else. Delegation is a key part of a stress-free wedding day! The rest of the day is going to be fast paced and filled with a lot of emotions, so take advantage of this down time


There is no pressure to do one... however, there are SO many benefits and reasons why many of my couples do opt for one!

So you might be asking... what is a first look?! Well, let me tell you! A first look is when the bride and groom arrange a private time to see each other before the ceremony. The only people present will be the two of you and your photographers and videographers! First looks are very popular for so many reasons! There are so many incredible benefits of doing one!!

Although I love this so much on a wedding day, I also always encourage my couples to do whatever they want to do. Because at the end of the day, it’s their wedding, and what they prefer matters the absolute most! So although I love it so much, I do want their day to go however they envision. This is just meant to help you decide whether it’s right for you, and why I recommend it so much!

Benefits of a First Look

Throughout the chaos of a wedding day, it will very likely be your ONLY alone time! It allows you to have a chance to talk and enjoy hanging out with each other. Groom, you get to TELL your bride how beautiful she looks as soon as you see her! You get to extend your day TOGETHER by 2-3 hours.

Your only alone time.

My brides LOVE this because your hair and make up is totally fresh for all of your portraits. You don't have to worry about touching up before photos because you just had your hair and makeup done! Your bridesmaids will LOVE you for this as well!

With a first look, you can ENJOY taking all of your wedding portraits and not feel rushed. Plus, you'll receive MORE variety in your portraits because of the extra time! It makes taking photos a lot more enjoyable because you aren't trying to squeeze them all in!

Fresh hair and makeup

More portraits in your final gallery

You can finish the majority of your wedding photos before the ceremony begins. We will jump right into bride and groom + bridal party photos after the first look! This means no long cocktail hours with guests waiting on us to finish taking photos! 

Logistically, it's a dream!

Once we do family formals directly after the ceremony, you can actually go enjoy cocktail hour or start the reception! If any of your bridal party aren't family members, they get to enjoy ALL of cocktail hour!

So many couples say their nerves went away after they saw each other! It helps you to feel more relaxed and make the ceremony more enjoyable. Plus, you’ll probably remember your ceremony better because you weren’t so nervous. The whole thing would probably be a blur otherwise!

You can enjoy cocktail hour

It diminishes nerves. 



If you’re not familiar with unplugged ceremonies, they are essentially when you request that your guests turn off all of their devices for the ceremony. This allows the photographer to work more freely with no worry of getting guests in their shots! As a photographer, there is nothing worse than trying to photograph the bride coming down the aisle and have someone stick their phone out in front of you (yes, it’s happened!).

 I think these are a GREAT idea, and I’ve had many of my couples do them with amazing success! I also did it at my own wedding and am so glad I did! :) Guests are typically very respectful if you ask them to not be taking photos during the ceremony and it will reflect in your photos. This especially shows in the wider shots; you’ll either see a lot of guests holding their phones up for photos, or your guests sitting and enjoying the moment!

To make this happen at your ceremony, I recommend first having a sign at the entrance of the ceremony that encourages guests to put away their devices! You can also include a short and sweet line on your ceremony program that requests that no one has their devices out. You can also request your officiant to announce it a few minutes before the ceremony starts, to reenforce what they’ve already read!

Not only will your photographer love you, but a beautiful thing happens: your guests are sitting and enjoying the moment you two become husband and wife, instead of staring at their screens. What a beautiful way to encourage your guests to unplug for a short amount of time to enjoy such a special moment with the two of you.



About 2-3 months out from your wedding, I will send you your online wedding questionnaire! This is where you can give me the exact shot list for your family formals. I do ask that the list is no longer than 20 groupings (anything past that we can grab at the reception!) Here is an example shot list for you to get started:

Large group photo (this is everyone: parents, step-parents, grandparents, siblings, aunts, cousins, uncles)
Couple with parents, step parents, grandparents, siblings
Couple with parents, grandparents, siblings
Couple with each set of grandparents
Couple with parents, siblings
Couple with parents
Couple with siblings
You with mom
You with dad

Couple with parents
Couple with parents & siblings

Large group photo (this is everyone: parents, step-parents, grandparents, siblings, aunts, cousins, uncles)
Couple with parents, step parents, grandparents, siblings
Couple with parents, grandparents, siblings
Couple with each set of grandparents
Couple with parents, siblings
Couple with parents
Couple with siblings
Fiance with mom
Fiance with dad

Sunset portraits are literally the BEST ten minutes of portraits you'll get on your wedding day. Typically we'll sneak out for 10 minutes during your reception (in-between events, of course!) or right after family formals to grab a few of these! Trust me, they are WORTH IT and are those dreamy, swoon-worthy photos you see all over Pinterest with the glowy lighting.

They also give you another chance to slow down and connect with each other, away from the chaos of your big day! 

Here are a few things to know:
- Bring the veil + bouquet! This looks DREAMY with sunset lighting!
- If it ends up being overcast, don't worry! I've had SO MANY overcast and rainy weddings end up having a beautiful sunset. If the sun isn't peaking out, we might still sneak out for some extra portraits for variety!

sunset portraits


There are SO many options when it comes to exits. Sparklers, bubbles, glow sticks, rose petals... there's so many options!

If your coverage ends before your exit, you have the option of planning a controlled exit with your wedding party. This is more common than you may think. Instead of saving your exit until the very end, you can plan a mock exit with just the members of your bridal party and your immediately family members. This allows us to have more control over these shots and the party never has to stop. In most cases, no one even notices that the bride and groom are missing for a few minutes. Also, it’s almost impossible to tell that the whole wedding isn’t there waving sparklers and sending off the happy couple. This idea allows my couples to save money on coverage time with us and still have all of the shots that they dreamed of.


One of the most COMMON questions I get asked is, what happens if it RAINS on my wedding day? While this isn't always ideal and doesn't match the sunny day you imagine while planning, I want to encourage you that you can still have GORGEOUS photos, even if it's rainy! Here are a few quick tips to keep in mind: 

1. Overcast skies = perfect lighting. Sunlight, especially mid-day, is actually very harsh. Rainy days give that perfect, soft, natural lighting, no matter where you take your photos! This gives you perfect lighting + the ability to use a lot more locations. It also tends to make colors look more vibrant. :) Don’t get me wrong, I love golden, sunlit photos… but overcast has its advantages as well.

2. Let me worry about the photos. On your wedding, the only thing you should have to worry about is being the bride! :) 

3. Be willing to go outside! Most of the time when it’s raining, it’s a lot of light sprinkles and not long, huge downpours… going outside is still definitely doable! I typically will find areas that have large trees to cover my couple & bridal party, or overhangs on the side of buildings. I also bring along cute, clear umbrellas to a wedding day (enough for an ENTIRE bridal party) that keep you almost totally dry, even when you’re not under anything! :) And they look adorable! All photos I’ve ever taken outside in the rain hardly even LOOK like it’s raining.

4. Have a rain plan. Especially if you are having an outdoor wedding, this is very important! Be sure to communicate to your vendors what they should do if it rains on your wedding day. That way, if the situation arises, they will already know what to do and you won’t have to worry about a thing.

Heirloom Albums

Heirloom albums are the cherry on top of the perfect wedding day! You can add one onto your package at any point in our time together. My goal with our albums is to take away all the stressful decision making, and have fun just picking what fits your aesthetic, your favorite photos, and have it show up on your doorstep! Click the button below to check out the albums page and see how it all works! 

hmp album info + ordering site

Thank you for allowing me to photograph your big day! I don't take it lightly and am SO excited for you. I want you to know that I am HERE for you throughout wedding planning! If you have ANY questions at all along the way, feel free to reach out to me via email at any point. I hope this guide serves as an amazing resource for you as you plan and prepare for your big day! I'm not only here to help but I want to encourage you that marriage is WORTH IT. It is a blast and always keep that in mind! At the end of the day, no matter what happens, you'll be married and that's all that matters. Thank you again for choosing me as your photographer, and happy planning!

Holly & AJ

thank you!